Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007


Carl E. Tyndall: Hillbilly Rock Billy Barnett & Sons of the West: Tired Of Your Honky Tonk Love Tommy Jackson: Flat Top Box Brownie Johnson: The Sun Would Never Shine Kenny Smith: Walkin’ By My Lonesome Tommy Scott: Alone With My Memory Frank Arnett & Chuck Hunt: Love Is So Wonderful Gene Cole with Clyde’s String Masters: Coal Miner’s Blues Clayton Hillis & the Rocket City Rockettes: Don’t You Know I Love You Bob Dean & Cindy with the Kountry Kings: Walk, Walk, Walking Blues Charlie Lightfoot & the Mullins Brothers: Yes, Baby The Kinsmen: Stop And Get Off Don Burton: This Is It The Country Lads: I Asked Her Randy Tedder & the Mishakawa Rhythmaires: Nancy Dale Vaughn & the Starnotes: High Steppin’ Rudy Thacker & the Stringbusters [Vocal By Larry Dale]: Black Train Dusty Owens & his Rodeo Boys: Hey Honey Lonnie Allen: Fast And Suddenly Norman Bullock with the Southerneers: Lies, Lies, Lies / Moaning The Blues Bobby Rutledge with the Cimarrons: Go Slow Fatso Mason Dixon & the Red Skins: Don’t Worry ‘Bout Nuthin’ Larry Lee: The Milwaukee Road Buddy Wright: You Let The Moon Bobby Hodge [Accompanied By The Rainbow Rangers]: Gonna Take My Guitar Lonnie Mullins: It Was You Don Hart: I’m Not Ready Now Vaughn Simmons: Somebody Needs Your Love The String Breakers: Big City

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